Campus Life

If the academic development of learners mirrors adult work, then the personal lives of learners in the community is as indispensable as community life is in real society.

Our Campus

Standard Classroom

School facilities are built according to world-class modern standards with 45 standard multimedia classrooms, each classroom equipped with a projector and multiuse white board.

Technology Classrooms and Laboratories

The school provides professional and well-equipped chemical laboratories, physics laboratories, robotics classrooms and other professional science and technology classrooms for middle and high school learners to support learners' subject learning and in-depth exploration.

Art Classroom

Primary, middle school and high school students have access to art studios that meet the needs of each grade. Learners can explore painting, sculpture, and sketching.

Sports Facilities

The school provides sports venues with different functions, such as gymnasium, central court area, outdoor sports area, and professional tennis courts. The indoor gymnasium on campus serves as a venue for physical training. The central court can be used for tennis training or as a teaching field for physical education classes. The outdoor sports area includes a 100-meter track, basketball court, table tennis table, and more. The professional tennis court in the National Tennis Center is the main venue for students to train in tennis.


The school has two libraries, the Primary School Library and the Secondary School Library, with a total of more than 34,000 bilingual books in both Chinese and English. In addition to borrowing books, students use this space for quiet reading and study.


The school cafeteria provides three meals a day with different Chinese and Western menus for lunch. Students may choose according to their own tastes and preferences. The cafeteria's catering company is listed as one of the world's top 500 catering companies and each ingredient can be traced to ensure food safety.

Dormitory Area

Each dormitory includes a bed and desk for each student and can meet the daily self-study and living needs of four learners. The rooms are equipped with independent bathroom, air conditioning and floor heating. There are additional study rooms, water dispensers, microwave ovens, washing machines and refrigerators in the common areas of the dormitory.

Natural Environment

The school is located in the Lotus Pavilion of the National Tennis Center, close to the Olympic Forest Park and the National Ice Sports Stadium. Not only can students use international-level tennis facilities, but also conveniently commute to other Olympic venues. Surrounded by the Olympic Forest Park with trees that act as a natural oxygen bar the school offers a unique, quiet learning environment.

Traditional Activities

After years of community co-construction and exploration, the school has formed several annual traditional activities from multiple departments. These activities are an important way to shape the culture of the community.

Opening Ceremony

On the first day of the school year, Opening Ceremony is held with the participation of all teachers, students and parents. This ceremoy will offer a glimpse into the life, growth and changes in the new school year. Learners who have made outstanding achievements and contributions in academics, projects and community culture, and collaboratively explored "real problems" will also be formally recognized.

Curriculum Night

At the beginning of each school year, families from primary school through high school are invited to attend the school's curriculum night to find out what learners will learn and how. Teachers will give an overview of the curriculum as a whole.

Frisbee Cup

The P.E. Department holds an annual, secondary-school-wide Frisbee Cup event that includes students, teachers, coaches and other faulty. After nearly two months and 30 intense matches, we will witness the birth of a champion. 

Chinese Drama Festival

Every year, the secondary school and the primary school hold Chinese drama festivals. Through the process of writing, directing and performing, and with some teacher guidance, the learners' interest in Chinese learning is stimulated. They can feel the charm of the Chinese world and show their personality and talent on a larger stage.

Music Festival

This annual, school-wide event allows talented learners and teachers, with the support of professional music instructors, to perform music works by individuals and bands, and for self-expression on stage through music.

PAWS Challenge

This is a tradition of the primary school. PAWS refers to Positive Behavior, Academic Achievement, Working together and Sports. Primary school are divided into Blue, Orange, Green and Red. Each team takes on the 4Bs (Be safe, Be kind, Be respectful, Be responsible) of PAWS as challenges to enhance a collective sense of honor, citizenship and leadership through friendly competition.

Chinese Cultural Festival

The Chinese Culture Festival is a traditional activity of the primary school held by the Chinese Language Department, usually before the winter vacation. On this day, learners will wear traditional Chinese costumes and complete traditional Chinese handicraft activities such as origami, paper cutting, making lanterns, writing blessings and so on. Parents will also come to the school on this day to share food and participate in traditional activities with their children. Our hope is that through the Chinese Culture Festival, families will have a better understanding of China and feel the profoundness of Chinese culture.

World Book Day

Every year on World Book Day in April, primary school learners read books and feel the excitement of reading. A variety of reading activities are highlighted. For example, the learners in each class select one Chinese book and one English book, paste the content on the classroom door by painting or paper-cutting, and play the characters in the book to parade around the campus. Learners in Grades 4-5 will use posters to display their favorite books, and learners will also be encouraged to exchange books with their classmates to further enjoy reading.

House Competition

This is a traditional competition for Middle School learners. Each student and faculty member is assigned to either Purple Class or White Class in the Middle School and then compete within these Class groups. Competitions and activities in the House Competition are open to every member to participate. Some examples of competitions include basketball, tug-of-war, football, Annual Sports Day, programming challenge, dance, talent show and dress-up days. By participating and winning competitions, you can earn points for yourselve and your houses to hopefully win the year-long competition. Through this event, learners develop a sense of community, awareness of others and school pride.


The Annual Carnival over the years is hosted by the Middle School Department and the High School Student Council. Before the summer vacation, all learners, teachers, and parents from grades 1 to 12 are invited to the community to celebrate together. Carnival sets up dozens of booths and is a fun way to beat the heat.

Orientation Week

In the high school, new students will complete the five-six days of immersive camp experience to build relationships with new classmates, to establishment of a sense of community belonging, and to quickly master the necessary skills and methods for learning and living at school.

End-of-Term Exhibition

At the end of each semester, each course presents learner artifacts in a diverse format to members of the community. Parents and members of the outside community are invited to witness the growth of learners and give feedback. This is one of the most lively days in the community, when everyone is shining.

Graduation Ceremony

At the end of each spring semester, a graduation ceremony for 12th-grade learners is celebrated. All faculty members, learners, and parents of graduating learners will participate to reflect on their growth and share commitments to the community. The community will give the best wishes for the future to the graduates.

Family Coaching Day

Parents and family coaches initiated a platform where they would co-work to explore how to be parents with a coaching mindset. The goal is to benefit more families which aim to be 「fulfilled parents and active, compassionate families」.

Social Service

Citizen action is an important way create links between learners and the real world. Learners can improve their comprehensive understanding of the world through practice, become fulfilled individuals, and be active, compassionate citizens.

Community Service

Community service is an important way for learners to connect with the world around them. Through community service learners enhance their comprehensive understanding of the world and become fulfilled individuals, and active, compassionate citizens.

Each high school learner completes at least 30 hours of community service per school year as part of graduation requirement. Awards are given to learners who have exstensive participation and outstanding achievements in social services.

Community service projects are generally divided into two forms: internal and external. Some internal community service projects include teaching assistants, volunteers for large-scale school events, and spontaneous volunteering projects for the community. We also cooperate with off-campus public welfare organizations to provide learners with volunteer service opportunities and help learners raise their awareness of volunteer service. Learners are also encouraged to find external public welfare activities and introduce opportunities to other learners in the school.

Social Service Program

We supports and invites learners to participate in the co-building of school affairs. The school charter stipulates that every learner is a member of the Learners Co-building Association. At present, the Learners Co-building Association of the high school has become a co-formulator and an active discussion partner of the rules and policies of the community.

Every member has the right to participate in discussions regarding the learning experience, cultural rules, campus life, etc. within the community, and to jointly improve management processes and systems. Through proposal writing and community research, learners participating in the co-construction work can not only freely express themselves, but also apply the thinking methods and tools learned from subject courses so as to exercise their ability to solve real problems.

Home-school Co-building

Home-School Relations

We build a home-to-school relationship of trust, warmth, mutual support and achievement with parents. Through high-quality and multi-dimensional communication and rich parent courses and community activities, we have formed a continuously evolving learning community jointly built by learners, parents and educators.

Parent Class

We builds strong relationships with and learns from parents. Through in-depth participation in various major activities and parent courses, we have effectively promoted the harmony of parent-child relationship and the activity of the community.

One of the most popular of these is the Adolescence Classroom. In this classroom, we explores a new mode of parent-child communication, expand the comfortable communication space and creates many beautiful family stories of improve parent-child relationships.

In addition, various home classes such as Family Story of Preparing for Further Education, Journey of Philosophy, Family Self-awareness Class, Family History Project and so on help parents to narrow the ideological gap with their children, comb through personal life stories, and improve relationships between children, parents, and the world. These experiences enable parents to instill a firmly-rooted sense of self-identity in their children.